Ready To Look Younger

Some people choose to temporarily side-step these signs of aging with plastic surgery, chemical peels, Botox injections, or laser treatments...The good news is that by making a few simple changes you can prevent and even reverse many of the signs of aging - and results can be seen in a matter of just a few days.The fact is that most signs of aging are caused by one thing...It’s not stress, or smoking, or the environment - rather, it’s the inflammation those things create in your body that poisons your cells.

How much?
Just 1 tablespoon of fresh oregano contains the same antioxidant activity as one medium-sized apple.
Add a pinch to your eggs in the morning, to your salad at lunch, and to just about anything at dinner - and you'll get more antioxidant in one day than most people get in a whole week.

This unique fruit which tastes great as a juice, as a fruit, or as an addition to your salad is packed with bio-available vitamin C ("Bio-availability" is the ease with which any nutrient can make its way from the food you eat into your body). Where most vitamin C supplements or skin creams have a very low bio-availability - nearly 100% of the vitamin C in Pomegranates gets used by your body because Pomegranates also come packed with all the supporting nutrients that help that vitamin C to do it’s job. Vitamin C guards against the wrinkling effects of sun damage. Plus Pomegranates contains ellagic acid and punicalagin. Ellagic acid is a polyphenol compound that fights damage from free radicals; Punicalagin is a super-nutrient that has been shown to help your skin to preserve collagen, the connective tissue that makes your skin look smooth and plump.
Just one or two a week gives you all you need, but Pomegranates taste so great that you might want to sprinkle some on your salad today, grab one as part of your lunch tomorrow, and have a juice every other day each week. 

These little blue wonders contain more antioxidants than almost any other food! That means they feed your body the nutrients it needs to protect your skin against the free radicals that result from sun exposure, emotional stress, and even over exercising.
The best part is the variety of ways you can eat Blueberries! Toss some in your salad, cook with them, juice them, or just grab handful as you run out the door. Half a cup each day is what to aim for. 

Wild, Alaskan Salmon
This amazing fish is rich in anti-aging nutrients, like omega-3 fatty acids which keeps skin soft, smooth, and supple. Eating fatty fish, like salmon help your body reduce inflammation and may help ease chronic skin problems. Poach it, bake it, barbeque it, put it in a sandwich, add it to your salads, or serve it up over a bed of lightly cooked dark green leafy vegetables, low in mercury and high in the good fatty acids, you should eat wild Alaskan salmon at least twice a week... Read More Here..

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