My name is Belinda Benn. I'm a former executive at a high-end, well-known beauty company. I had an absolutely shocking behind-the-scenes view of the
cosmetic industry that every woman who cares about aging too fast MUST
hear. I need to show you something first. Here I am at the ripe young age of 24 when I first started working in cosmetics.
Cute as a button, wasn't I? And this is a picture of me just 10 years later - after having access to the very best beauty products on the market. Shocking, huh ?
Cute as a button, wasn't I? And this is a picture of me just 10 years later - after having access to the very best beauty products on the market. Shocking, huh ?
I was overweight, dealt with persistent acne on and off for
years, developed Rosacea... as well as other mystery rashes that were
pretty darn painful (not to mention horribly embarrassing.). My skin was looking WAY older than my actual age... to the point
of not even recognizing the woman looking back at me in the mirror. It
was scary! Read More Here..
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