Nutrition For Body Builder Perfect

Mistake number 1:

The, "I eat healthy approach"

First of all, there are 2 specific times every single day when actually eating what most people consider “unhealthy” is absolutely necessary to spark lean muscle growth.

Strategically eating the right “cheat foods” at the right time during these 2 short anabolic windows allows muscle building nutrients to be shuttled directly into your muscle cells.

DietSecond of all, simply eating healthy all of the time and just hoping you’re taking in the right amount of calories, made up of the right macronutrients, at the right time to give your body exactly what it needs to build muscle without the fat is all but impossible.

I mean what do you really think the odds are that you’re able to guess correctly all day, every day? The luckiest man on the planet couldn’t do it.

Plain and simple this approach keeps you frustrated, spinning your wheels and looking the same week after week like most guys do.


Mistake number 2:

Following some generic meal plan found in a book, magazine or online report always fails you and here’s why;

They are NOT CUSTOMIZED for you. They may pretend to be but they don’t even adjust your nutrition to basic things like your body type, let alone your age, weight, height, metabolism, or your training routine.....

Check this out; Recently science has revealed amazing information about how different body types respond differently to various foods. There are 3 general body types that you may have heard of. They are ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. What you probably haven’t heard of yet are all of the other body types that science has recently identified and how they all respond to foods differently.

Mistake number 3:

Bulk then Cut.

As popular as this old school approach is, the little known truth is that it often leaves you with less muscle…. And here’s why;

Traditional bulking often creates insulin insensitivity which kills lean muscle growth and dramatically increases fat storage. Additionally, traditional bulking with crazy amounts of calories can stimulate your body’s production of more fat cells and enlarge the ones you already have…

You see, with this approach your body has no choice but to make more fat cells, and these fat cells DO NOT GO AWAY.....EVER! This condition is called Fat cell hyperplasia and the worst part is that it’s PERMANENT! So let me make sure you understand what this means: This means you will store fat easier for the rest of your life. And as if that’s not bad enough, here are a few other consequences found with following the traditional bulking approach:
  • Fluid retention
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased cholesterol
  • Increased estrogen
  • Decreased testosterone
  • Liver stain
  • Pancreatic strain
  • And the list goes on……
Basically, If looking unattractive, soft, and out of shape while killing your health and any chance for a lean, healthy future is ok by you just to see the scale move then I invite you to chow down before the miserable cardio and dieting begins.

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